
Governed self-service analytics at scale

ZNTEKI is a company that provides a variety of business intelligence and data visualization services, including Tableau. Tableau is a powerful data visualization tool that allows users to quickly and easily create interactive charts, graphs, and dashboards that help them gain insights and make better decisions.

Looking for Assistance with Your Tableau Project?

We will meet your specific Tableau objectives and solve any Tableau-related issues to help you get the guesswork out of your decision-making.

Tableau Consulting

ZNTEKI provides expert consulting services to help businesses get the most out of Tableau. Their team of consultants can help businesses with everything from data preparation and analysis to dashboard design and implementation.

Tableau Development

ZNTEKI offers custom development services for Tableau, including developing custom visualizations, integrating Tableau with other systems, and building automated reporting workflows.

Tableau Training

ZNTEKI provides comprehensive training services for Tableau, including in-person and online training courses. Their training courses are designed to help users of all skill levels master the tool and make the most of its capabilities.

Tableau Support

ZNTEKI offers ongoing support services for Tableau users, including troubleshooting, maintenance, and upgrades.

Tableau Server

ZNTEKI’s Tableau services are designed to help businesses harness the power of data visualization and make more informed decisions based on their data. Whether you need help with Tableau consulting, development, training, or support, Znteki has the expertise and experience to help.