SQL Server Azure

SQL Server on Azure refers to the deployment of Microsoft SQL Server, a relational database management system, on the Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform.

Azure SQL Database is a managed database service provided by Microsoft, which offers a fully managed, scalable, and highly available database platform for running SQL Server workloads in the cloud. Azure SQL Database supports a wide range of features including data encryption, automatic patching, automated backups, and disaster recovery capabilities.

Azure SQL Managed Instance is another deployment option for SQL Server on Azure. It provides a fully-managed and compatible SQL Server instance that enables companies to migrate their on-premises SQL Server databases to the cloud with minimal changes.


Welcome to ZNTEKI, your trusted partner for SQL Server on Azure services! Our team of experienced SQL Server administrators and Azure experts are dedicated to helping you maximize the benefits of cloud computing while leveraging the power of SQL Server.

We offer a range of services to help you migrate, manage and optimize your SQL Server workloads in Azure. Our services include:

Azure SQL Database Migration

Our team can help you move your on-premises SQL Server databases to the cloud with minimal downtime and disruption. We’ll ensure that your database is fully optimized for Azure, and provide ongoing support to ensure it’s running smoothly.

  1. Azure SQL Managed Instance – We’ll help you take advantage of the power of a fully-managed SQL Server instance with Azure SQL Managed Instance. Our experts will help you migrate your databases to the cloud and ensure that they’re optimized for the new environment.

  2. Performance Tuning and Optimization – We understand that performance is crucial for your SQL Server workloads. Our experts will help you optimize your databases for the best possible performance and provide ongoing support to ensure they’re running smoothly.

  3. Disaster Recovery Planning – We’ll help you develop a disaster recovery plan for your SQL Server workloads in Azure. Our team will ensure that your databases are fully protected and provide ongoing support to ensure they’re recoverable in the event of a disaster.

At ZNTEKI, we're committed to providing you with the best possible service and support. We'll work closely with you to understand your unique needs and develop a custom solution that meets your specific requirements. Contact us today to learn more about our SQL Server Azure services and how we can help you take advantage of the cloud!